On June 15, Alley Cat Rescue featured Camden on their blog! I am so grateful for this gesture and for the work ACR does: rescuing thousands of cats and placing them in loving homes; assisting with feral cat care and rabies control; and providing information on cat health, cat behavior, feline disease and special needs. Check out Alley Cat Rescue's Camden feature here!
On June 18, Camden had his sutures removed! This was successful, and he was happy to be in and out of the vet in less than three hours! The doctor said the healed/healing incision looked good, which was very good news indeed. The bad news was -- to make sure he didn't "go to town" irritating his surgery region right away -- he still had to wear his lampshade cone around his neck for a couple more days. This was pretty disappointing for Camden. He told me so; I speak cat.
On June 20, Camden finally got to go cone-less. My housemates and I don't have to hear him run into things anymore, and he's a much happier feline without the torture collar.
As of June 23: Although Camden will have to be on a special diet for the rest of his life due to this lower urinary tract disease he has, it looks like we made the right decision for him. He's happy and healthy...no urinary blockages due to the urethra-widening incision and his new food, which he seems to find tasty.
And with the $1150 we've raised as of this morning, I'm well on my way to paying off Camden's medical fees!
Camden is grateful that my threats of putting him to work are so far, just threats. He just wants to focus on play right now. :)